Rachana Katkam

Passionate software engineer based in Bay Area.

  • Demonstrated Python expertise:
    • scripting for #SugarLabs
    • web development at #GnowledgeLab
    • data analytics at #CLIx
    • artificiall intelligence at #Sorcero
    • CLI at #Oracle
    • and multiple projects released to Open Source community


Youtube Trending Video analysis

NumPy, Matplotlib

Conduct data regression to analyse which factors influence the videos to be in the trending list

Zomato sales analysis

NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib

Conduct cluster analysis with KNN to derive factors influencing popularity of restaurants. Data cleaning to handle accented characters and conversion of multiple currency type data for better analysis

metaStudio, Gnowledge Lab

Python, Django, MongoDB

Leveraged Semantic Web Development with Resource Description Framework (RDF). Applied RCS to perform Data Versioning; assembled with Schema.org and custom metadata.

mailDropper – PIP package


As a community contributor, designed a tool to send a bulk email allowing customization of content and other labels.

Service website

Python, Django, PostgreSQL

Management Information System and responsive website for dental service with online appointment-booking feature.


Python, Django, MongoDB

Implemented Curation workflow for moderating and management of metadata for over 15k digital resources.


Member of Technical Staff

Responsible for developing CLI for cloud services and tooling for seamless deployments

Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Composed Semantic AI applications for text prediction and Closed-Domain Question Answering System

Senior Software Engineer

Devised implementation of Content delivery platform, data migration and analytics tool actively running in 500+ locations.


Designed Course Authoring engine to create digitizal learning material with seamless integration with third-party interative and assessment tools

Software Engineer

Developed Management Information System for a large scale pilot programme National University Student Skill Development Programme (NUSSD)


Developed collaborative learning application based on Instant Messaging IRC protocol on MIT OLPC Sugarlabs


Master of Science specialization

Double Major: Computer Science, Data Science - GPA: 3.80/4.00
University of Central Missouri - Aug 2019

Master of Computer Applications

Major: Computer Science - GPA: 3.76/4.00
University of Mumbai - May 2014


Analyzing instant messaging environment as a learning-teaching tool. Presented in : 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2016, at NIE, Singapore. Rafikh Shaikh, Rachana Katkam, Nagarjuna Gadiraju (2016)

Tiny accomplishments

  • Participated in Google Foo Bar challenge, 2018. If you don't know what is it, hit here!
  • Presenter of LMS launch / workflow at CLIx to nearly 150 headcount public.
  • Confident Speaker of Analytics and Data collection workflow at CLIx in multiple states of India.
If I am not working, you would see me doing one of the following:

Sharing knowledge, Browsing, Reading blogs, Writing poetry, Gardening, and of course who does not like to hang out with friends!

Thank you for reaching out to my profile. Drop me an email to get in touch with me.